PhD Courses

Here you can find resources on the PhD courses I gave during my career.


The current threat landscape, adversarial ecosystem, and expansion of the attack surface altogether link to an environment of staggering complexity where cyberthreats affect the entire fabric of our interconnected world. Cyber Threat Intelligence is the cyclic process analysts use to produce knowledge about weaknesses of one or more assets of an organisation that can be exploited by one or more threats.


Formal argumentation theory seeks to model the human process of argument. Argument appears fundamental to human reasoning, and formal models of argument have been used to build powerful, understandable, non-monotonic reasoning methodologies, widely applied across the AI community.


Introduction to abstract argumentation and semantics, signatures and decomposability. Complexity of reasoning problems on an abstract argumentation framework and state-of-the-art solvers. Graphical interfaces to reasoning problems and natural language interfaces, with introduction on Natural Language Generation.